Dean of UNIST Graduate School of Semiconductor Materials and Devices Engineering
Professor Yoon, Tae-Sik
Semiconductor industry is a core industry the role of which is rapidly increasing in the era of fourth industrial revolution.
As well recognized, semiconductor technology has played an important role as the basis of all other industries and become a more essential technology especially in the era of fourth industrial revolution.
Semiconductor industries contribute to 20 % of the total export of our country with almost 100 billion U.S. dollars. Although the advance of semiconductor technology is absolutely important for the national economy, we suffer from the shortage of highly educated semiconductor scientists and engineers to sustain the advance of semiconductor technology. In this circumstance, UNIST developed an advanced education and research program of semiconductor technology, particularly focusing on the semiconductor materials, devices, equipment and process, which is the Graduate School of Semiconductor Materials and Devices Engineering.
UNIST holds the world-class level research capability for semiconductor materials and devices technology with superior faculties and infrastructures, which are also the foundation for academy-industry collaboration as well as training of excellent talents in the field of semiconductor materials and devices.
UNIST Graduate School of Semiconductor Materials and Devices Engineering educates graduate students providing master and Ph.D degrees, through self-directed study and research activities as defining and solving the high-level technology problems.
The education and research programs in UNIST Graduate School of Semiconductor Materials and Devices Engineering will contribute greatly to advancement of semiconductor technology and industries in Korea as fostering highly talented scientists and engineers, developing leading-edge technology, and collaborating with industries for the national economy.