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뉴스, 홍보

UNIST 반도체 소재ㆍ부품 대학원 뉴스, 홍보 안내해드립니다.

2021-2 SE Seminar (September 9(Thu.), 2021)

  • 2021.09.08

첨부파일 : 첨부파일2021-2 Poster.jpg

Harnessing Thermoelectric Puddles via the Stacking Order and Electronic


Thermoelectricity has been investigated mostly on the macroscopic scale despite the fact that its origin is linked to the local electronic band structure of materials. While the role of thermopower from microscopic structures (e.g., surfaces or grain boundaries) increases for emerging thermoelectric materials, manipulating thermoelectric puddles, spatially varying levels of thermoelectric power on the nanometer scale, remains unexplored. In this talk, I will discuss about thermoelectric puddles that can be harnessed via the stacking order and electronic screening in graphene. The local thermoelectric elements were investigated by gate-tunable scanning thermoelectric microscopy on the atomic scale, revealing the roles of local lattice symmetry, impurity charge scatterings, and mechanical strains in the thermopower system. The long-range screening of electrons at the Dirac point in graphene, which could be reached by in-operando spectroscopy, allowed us to unveil distinct thermoelectric puddles in the graphene that are susceptible to the stacking order and external strain. Thus, manipulating thermoelectric puddles via lattice symmetry and electronic engineering will realize practical thermopower systems with low-dimensional materials.